"Currently, I am involved with helping clean up oiled herps at the Marshall oil spill and we are in desperate need of some more volunteers. We just hit turtle #1000, a week ago Thursday, from the contaminated river in need of cleaning and had 81 more come in on Friday. Volunteers typically help with husbandry duties, such as setting up habitats, cleaning, feeding, and checking water levels, as well as with the tedious and time-consuming process of cleaning the oil off of the turtles.
Prior to volunteering, a mandatory 4-hour HAZWOPR training session must be completed. This course is currently offered on Sundays at 1:00 in Marshall, but it is possible to schedule a different time if there is demand for it. I would be willing to drive anyone for regular volunteering on the weekends or maybe a day of the week as well depending on schedule. This Sunday, September 19th, a group will be going down for the training and we welcome anyone would wants to help out! Additionally, if there is anyone willing to drive, that would be greatly appreciated too.
1I think that this would be a great service opportunity for anyone interested in wildlife/herps in general. Plus, in the past month that I have been helping out there, there have been many wildlife professionals, as well as people from zoos across the country (Toledo, Detroit, Potter Park, Binder Park, Ft. Wayne, etc.) that are coming to help clean, and they can be really interesting and insightful to talk to."
There is already a group of people signed up to go help. Email Alex Prediger (predige1@msu.edu) if you are interested in helping out!