-Everyone can view the Google Doc, but only members of the committee will be able to add things to the Doc.
-If you have ideas or want to discuss something about the committee, please comment below. Try to use your Facebook login information and click the 'Share on Facebook' button. Whenever you make a comment on here, it will automatically be posted to your Facebook feed. This will inform others that you added to the discussion.
Research Committee Meeting Notes
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Want to participate in Small Mammal Trapping?
Follow these steps:
1. Add your name and email to this sign up sheet
2. Complete the following IACUC training tutorials: IACUC Tutorial; Species Specific Tutorial: Rodent Basic Training; and Biosafety Principles for Animal Users
3. Download and fill out this Personnel Form
(to download, click on the black arrow icon in the top left corner- the one next to the print icon)
4. Email your completed form to msufwclub@gmail.com
Ongoing Projects:
Earth Day Extravaganza!
We will work with the Management Committee to set up a long term project analyzing small mammals in the management area, doing a before and after manipulation (mowing) analysis, as well as create a database for long term monitoring by future club members. Expansion of small mammal trapping to other approved areas (Sanford Woodlot, Baker Woodlot, and Inland Lakes site) is a possibility as well.
The DNR has requested our assistance in monitoring the long term effects and success of management actions enacted at Rose Lake- specifically at a wetland called the Orange Flooding. We will conduct plant, animal, and herp surveys before and after lowering water levels and document the changes over a 25 year period. The focus species of this project (as per DNR requirements when conducting habitat manipulations) are Wood Ducks and Mallards. Our committee will develop the project and all club members will conduct the surveys (with the help of other clubs as well). Our first analysis will occur in late April and repeat each semester.
Peregrine Falcon nest box

Dog Park
Meridian Township is proposing to convert a natural area into a dog park and we have been asked to analyze the vegetation and wildlife present and sum up the potential impacts if the plan were to go through. Chris Long has spearheaded this project and these are his notes.