There are 9 positions that are up for election on December 8th. Most of the current Eboard is graduating and are not eligible for re-election. Position terms are from January 2012 - December 2012.
If you want have something on your resume that makes you stand out from the rest, this is something you should strongly consider. It also provides opportunities to network with professors, graduate students, and professionals. You will gain invaluable experience organizing people, planning events, communicating ideas, facilitating meetings, etc. There are certain expectations for the Eboard, but the point of being on the Board is to learn to be leaders. You aren't expected to already know how to do everything.
Election procedures:
We will open up nominations starting now. If you'd like to nominate yourself or another person for any position listed below, please email the Club email address ( by 12:00am December 8th. Please indicate any and all positions you'd like to be considered for. Come the meeting, we will go down the list of positions in this order: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chair, Committee Chairs. Each person will get 1-2 minutes to say something about why they should be voted in. During this time, all other nominees are required to step out into the hall. After everyone speaks for that position we will take written ballots and tally them. If you are elected to a position, your name will be removed from subsequent nominations.
All Eboard positions are expected to:
Meet every other week, attend both the Facilitating workshop and Leadership workshop when scheduled, help with the planning of Club meetings and events, represent the Club in a professional manner, communicate well with other members of the Executive Board.
Eboard Positions Descriptions
Facilitate weekly Club meetings and Eboard meetings, responsible for scheduling at least one Eboard meeting every other week with the advisor Jim Schneider, will have general supervision of Club leaders, shall represent the Club at GSO meetings, shall keep in communication with the GSO President and Chair of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and schedule a Facilitators workshop and Leadership Workshop within the first month of office. It is generally the President's responsibility to facilitate new initiatives for the well-being of the whole Club (more big picture things), also to make sure meetings are planned out (in advance) with the rest of the Eboard.
Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, help facilitate weekly Club meetings, shall oversee the operations of all the Committees and subcommittees (i.e. Red Cedar River Cleanup) and shall be in charge of getting reports from Committee Chairs, shall be responsible for securing speakers when decided upon, reserving rooms for scheduled Club meetings, registering the Club with Student Services at the beginning of each semester, in charge of organizing the sending of members to Conferences (i.e. TWS, AFS, Midwest, Conclave).
Will be responsible for the files and records of the Club, including keeping the dues paying member list up-to-date, keeping list of people who have helped with fundraising, taking minutes at Eboard meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for the publication of the weekly newsletter and sending other reminders out when needed, notifying The Societies of any official action taken (e.g. elections), submitting any official chapter report required by The Societies and updating presentation slides to display announcements at meetings.
The duties of the Treasurer will be the collection of Club dues and receipts, reimbursing members when needed, creating and updating the Club budget, turning in tax information to The Societies at the end of the school year, securing Fundraising opportunities (e.g. football parking, apparel sales)
Social Chair:
In charge of facilitating up social events, about 1 per month is the expectation, including dinners, IM Sports teams, camping trips, hiking opportunities, movie nights, etc. Facilitate social interactions between GSO members and Club members, at least 1 event per semester is expected. Also, is responsible for creating social activities within Club meetings (i.e. ice-breakers, games). Facilitate the planning of the annual Harvesters' Banquet in the fall.
Wildlife Research Committee Chair:
Facilitate the operations of the Committee, including Committee meetings and projects. Help initiate opportunities for Club members to experience Wildlife Research, be the point contact person for these opportunities, encourage connections between students and the professionals as they relate to Wildlife Research, attendance at the 3 scheduled Committee meetings each semester, appoint someone to take minutes at all Committee meetings (and make sure those notes get distributed to any on the committee through the Committee list serve), communicates with faculty advisor and graduate student advisor (if applicable)Reports to the Vice-President.
Fisheries Research Committee Chair:
Facilitate the operations of the Committee, including Committee meetings and projects. Help initiate opportunities for Club members to experience Fisheries Research, be the point contact person for these opportunities, encourage connections between students and the professionals as they relate to Fisheries Research, attendance at the 3 scheduled Committee meetings each semester, appoint someone to take minutes at all Committee meetings (and make sure those notes get distributed to any on the committee through the Committee list serve), communicates with faculty advisor and graduate student advisor (if applicable). Reports to the Vice-President.
Outreach Committee Chair:
Facilitate the operations of the Committee, including Committee meetings and projects. Help initiate opportunities for Club members to experience Natural Resources Outreach, be the point contact person for these opportunities, encourage connections between students and the professionals as they relate to Outreach/Education, attendance at the 3 scheduled Committee meetings each semester, appoint someone to take minutes at all Committee meetings (and make sure those notes get distributed to any on the committee through the Committee list serve), communicates with faculty advisor and graduate student advisor (if applicable). Also, is the overseer of both the Policy Chair and Sustainability Chair. Reports to the Vice-President.
Habitat Management Committee Chair:
Facilitate the operations of the Committee, including Committee meetings and projects. Help initiate opportunities for Club members to experience Habitat Management, be the point contact person for these opportunities, encourage connections between students and the professionals as they relate to Habitat Management, in charge of the upkeep of the Club's Management Area by following the Management Plan, attendance at the 3 scheduled Committee meetings each semester, appoint someone to take minutes at all Committee meetings (and make sure those notes get distributed to any on the committee through the Committee list serve), communicates with faculty advisor and graduate student advisor (if applicable). Reports to the Vice-President.