Well as most of you know the Fisheries and Wildlife Club is going on a grand adventure to Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula on September 30th, 2011. This will be a camping excursion located in the Picture Rocks National Lake Shore area. There are marvels in store beyond belief and a fun time is always a guarantee.
So here are few more details of what you need:
-The trip fee is $30 (you must pay before you go)
-Tent (if you have one!)
-Sleeping bag/pad
-Outdoor gear (hiking shoes, rain clothes, and warm clothes)
-Binoculars and Field Guides
-Extra spending money (souvenirs and spontaneous meals out(this almost always happens))
-And this is a carpooling event so if you can drive please let us know!
And an itinerary you might ask?
Friday September 30th
-8am Depart East Lansing
-12(noon) Lunch (this may be on the road)
-2pm Arrive at Big Springs
-3:30pm Arrive at Seney N.W.R.
-6pm Setup camp and make dinner
Saturday October 1st
-8am Breakfast at campsite
-9am Depart for waterfall(s)
-10:30am Pictured Rocks National Lake shore
-12(noon) Lunch (we are brown baggin' it)
-2pm Recreational opportunities (hiking, fishing, naturalist identification, or just a relaxing afternoon)
-6pm Dinner
Sunday October 2nd
-8am/10:30am Breakfast and pack-out
-10:30am Exploration or fun (or maybe both)
-12(noon) Lunch
-6pm/8pm arrive back in East Lansing
*Any question contact Matt Ocko (ockomatt@msu.edu) or just leave a comment on the blog. I would like this to serve as a way for others to communicate about the trip as well in reference to camping supplies one might need!*